Thursday, February 21, 2013
What has it become?
You know.. I am really getting sick of seeing mediocrity celebrated at the level of something it's not.. It's sad to see the "every kid gets a trophy" garbage has made it to the military..
I joined, served, deployed, injured, returned, and not once was there a party, an escort, a gathering, or even a ride across post to an appt or to out process.. there was just me.
I am thankful for never having any of the hooplah I see going on because what I did, endured, and live with still today, all of it, I volunteered for and chose to do on my own accord. I did it alone, because it was what I needed to do at the time, not for recognition, parties, or to be one of "the cool kids" I did it when two wars raged and there was not end in sight. I served actively not on the weekends, and in a combat MOS not as a REMF.
I have seen far too much from so many ppl, places, organizations and on TV that its becoming less of something I can be proud of an more of a popularity contest for kids who wanna be cool too.. Give me a break, and cut the bullshit already.
Its no different to me than all the stolen valor issues we face these days, its that serious...
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